Dr. Zhixian (George) Yi has developed a leading position in the research on leadership, management, change management and marketing nationally and internationally through the significant research outcomes influencing the teaching of the leadership, management and marketing subjects. His refereed research book titled Marketing Services and Resources in Information Organisations was published by Elsevier, a world-leading publisher, in 2018, his refereed research book titled Change Management in Information Organisations was published by Elsevier in 2024, and his article. "Effective Techniques for Marketing Electronic Resources" published in 2018, has been selected as a Featured Article in July/August 2018 issue of the Informed Librarian Online (As mentioned in the email, "Each of our monthly issues, in addition to linking directly to the latest tables of contents of over 320 journals, with links to full-text as available, selects a few journal articles to highlight for our many thousands of readers.").
He has a significant publication record with 2 refereed research books, 30 refereed articles published in 14 journals including the top-ranking journals and 5 refereed conference proceedings, and he has made many presentations at national and international conferences and the School Research Seminars.
His articles have been published in 14 journals including the top-ranking journals: Library and Information Research, Information Research: An International Electronic Journal, The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Information & Culture: A Journal of History, Library Management, The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, Journal of Library and Information Science, OCLC Systems & Services: International Digital Library Perspectives, Chinese Librarianship: An International Electronic Journal, LIBRI-International Journal of Libraries and Information Services, Public Library Journal, Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, and American Journal of Information Science and Technology.
He submitted both internal and external grant applications to the grant committees for review at the school, faculty and national levels and obtained internal grants including the SIS Research Fellowship (2011-2012), Faculty of Education Small Grant in 2013 and the Faculty of Arts and Education Grant Development Fund in 2016.
He had collaborated with 27 researchers nationally and internationally, led research teams towards quality research outcomes and finished examining a PhD dissertation completed by a PhD student at the University of South Australia.
His research interests concentrate on six main areas: (1) leadership, management and change management, (2) marketing, (3) knowledge management, (4) information technology use, (5) information need and use, and (6) information, access, culture and history.
1. Winning the 2009 Eugene Garfield Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship from Beta Phi Mu, the International Library and Information Studies Honour Society. His dissertation title is The Management of Change in the Information Age: Approaches of Academic Library Directors in the United States.
2. Winning the Chinese American Librarians Association's Jing Liao Award for the Best Research in All Media for 2014. His research paper is entitled Setting Goals for Change in the Information Age: Approaches of Academic Library Directors in the USA.
3. Winning the 2017 Highly Commended Award for his research paper that was selected by the journal's (Library Management) editorial team as a Highly Commended paper in the 2017 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence. His research paper is entitled Effective Techniques of the Segmentation of Academic Library Users.
He was involved with the initial development and design of Master of Information Leadership course at CSU which led to the availability of this new course for students in 2017.
He taught 11 different subjects at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels and obtained many excellent SES (Subject Experience Survey) results.
He made the module revisions and updates, wrote so many modules for seven subjects at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels and incorporated his own research findings for the module writing.
He has demonstrated his unique leadership and collaboration of promoting learning through leading three subject development teams in terms of the review of three paired subjects, completing new learning objectives and assessment items for each of these six subjects and co-teaching many subjects with his colleagues.
He taught the professional placement and study visit subjects for two years (2014 and 2015) which require that all students must be enrolled in these subjects for 2 consecutive sessions to be eligible to receive their grades.
His excellence in teaching was recognised in the SES (Subject Experience Survey) Hall of Fame for high student evaluation. For instance, in Session 201360, he was honoured as SES Hall of Fame for high student satisfaction on 25 November 2013, with the INF200 subject receiving an overall mean of 5.88 for his teaching, and he obtained the excellent result of subject experience survey on INF333 for Session 201730 and SES report indicates student satisfaction with INF333 receiving an overall mean of 4.8 and 4.4 (56% response rate and each mean of 18 general core items for this subject that is above each mean of the School means for 18 items) and 89% positive response rate for "All Core Qs".
Human resource management in information agencies
Information sources and services
Introduction to the information professions
Management of information agencies
Marketing of libraries and information agencies
Professional placement
Professional study visit
Project and event management
Strategic management
Supervision and management